
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
9:00am - 6:00pm
Sant'Apollonia Auditorium
Chair: Ilaria D'Uva

Mobile Summit
- Nancy Proctor, USA

9:30am - 6:00pm

Horizon 2020 and Creative Europe vs Digital Heritage: A European Projects Crossover
- Franco Niccolucci, Italy

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
9:30am - 10:00am
Salone dei Cinquecento
Welcome and Introduction

Sergio Givone (Assessore Cultura e Contemporaneità), Cristina Scaletti (Assessore Cultura Regione Toscana), Marco Bellandi (Fondazione Ricerca e Innovazione), Maurizio Fioravanti (PIN), Stefania Chipa (Museums and the Web Florence) and Ilaria D’Uva (D’Uva Workshop), Laura Longo (Musei Civici Fiorentini), Nancy Proctor (Museums and the Web/Baltimore Museum of Art).

10:00am - 10:30am
Salone dei Cinquecento
Heritage on the web: MIBAC projects

10:30am - 12:00pm
Salone dei Cinquecento
Mobilizing the Smart City

Museum professionals Lada Mitroshenkova (Borodino Museum), Claire Sussums (Museum of London) and mobile professionals Ilaria D’Uva (D’Uva Workshop), Daniele Jallà (Assessorato alla Cultura, Città di Torino), and Giovanna Barni (CoopCulture) respond to the keynote presentation by Rob Stein (Dallas Museum of Art).

Chair: Nancy Proctor

Connecting the Dots: How Digital Methods Become the Glue that Binds Cultural Heritage to Contemporary Society
- Robert Stein, USA

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Salone dei Cinquecento
Keynote: Cory Doctorow on "GLAM and the Free World"

The Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) sector has the power to show the world how it’s done on the Web, or to validate every venal, controlling, censoring urge Hollywood claims is normal. At stake: nothing less than the freedom of the planet.

Chair: Nancy Proctor

GLAM and the Free World
- Cory Doctorow, USA

1:00pm - 2:30pm
Sala d'Arme
Demonstrations Day 1

Demonstration videos and posters will be available in the Sala d’Arme all day long. Demonstrators will be available in person during the lunch and coffee breaks.

Bridging the gap between museum and city experience with open access mobile guide platforms: a case study from Moscow
- Lada Mitroshenkova, Russia

Using multimedia mobile contents in museums: the Museo Galileo’s experience
- Jacopo Tonini, Italy

Versailles Gardens application
- Mariane Saïe, France

AthenaPlus: the MOVIO toolkit for designing and publishing digital exhibitions for cultural and touristic storytelling
- Sam Habibi Minelli, Italy, maria teresa natale, Italy

“There and Again”: mapping exhibition items and visitors’ memories
- Luca Melchionna, Italy

Proposed reconstruction of the Roman Fort of Eburodunum by using augmented reality
- Robert Michel, Switzerland

SMartART - When the images speak of art
- Paolo Mazzanti, Italy, Roberto Caldelli, Italy

Hi-storytelling: Street Museum & Speaking Stones!
- Marion Lamé, Italy

Creating a platform for navigating verbo-visual art collections
- Sara Tonelli, Italy, Rachele Sprugnoli, Italy

- Angelo Garioni, Italy, Angelo Garioni, Italy

Design culture through mobile technology and games
- Mauro Ceconello, Italy, Davide Spallazzo, Italy

Firenze Restaura 1972 - 2012, a virtual exhibition
- Giancarlo Buzzanca, Italia, Anna Mieli, Italia

Aligning heritage and culture with tourism; the creation of an integrated audio guide experience in Alkmaar.
- René Mijs, Nederland

Makers Corner by MakeTank
- Alexandra Korey, Italy

1:00pm - 2:30pm
Sala d'Arme
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Salone dei Cinquecento
Papers 1: Smart City Tech
Chair: Alain Dupuy

Multi environment and device framework for tourist experience in smart cities
- Gianpaolo D'Amico, Italy, alberto del bimbo, Italy

Smart technology for smart regeneration of cultural heritage: Italian smart cities in comparison
- Starlight Vattano, Italy

Decision Support System for Museum Management through Distributed Wireless Sensing
- Federico Viani, Italy

Culturally enhanced Smart City Services
- Jens Bley, Germany

2:30pm - 4:00pm
Sala dei Dugento
Papers 2: Smart Project Management
Chair: Ilaria D'Uva

Agile and Waterfall: Exploring Different Methodologies for Digital Projects
- Allegra Burnette, USA, Chiara Bernasconi, USA

Mobile technologies and cultural institutions: a design perspective.
- Davide Spallazzo, Italy

ARTaC Art, Research, Technology and Cultural Heritage (ARTeB, Arte, Ricerca, Tecnologia e Beni Culturali)
- Fiammetta Michelacci, Italia

Measuring Culture Event by Event
- Susan Chun, USA

4:00pm - 4:30pm
Sala d'Arme
4:30pm - 6:00pm
Salone dei Cinquecento
Forum 1: Open Museums

Antonio Gomes da Costa (ECSITE) moderates a panel discussion with Luca Toschi (Università di Firenze), Alberto del Bimbo (Università di Firenze), Giorgia Turchetto (Fondazione Industria e Cultura), Paolo Galluzzi (Museo Galileo), and Nao Hayashi (UNESCO).


Chair: Antonio Gomes da Costa

4:30pm - 6:00pm
Sala dei Dugento
Social Media Best Practice Parade

Chair: Stefania Chipa

Palazzo Madama: Open, Connected, Social Museum
- carlotta margarone, Italy

Museums in Social Media
- Natalia Dudareva, Denmark

Invasioni Digitali / Digital Invasions - Co-Creation of Cultural Value
- Invasioni Digitali, Italy

The Natural History Museum of Florence and its social media communication strategies
- alba scarpellini, Italy

Do Museums Worldwide form a true Community on Twitter? [Some insights on the museum Twitter ecosystem through Social Network Analysis and Network Science]
- Alex Espinós, Spain

#музейнаягостиная / #museumsalon - Twitter project from Russia
- Anna Mikhaylova, Russia

#svegliamuseo: a project to "wake up" Italian museums online
- Francesca De Gottardo, Italia

How to communicate an specialized exhibition with social media
- Gema Hernández Carralón, Spain

6:00pm - 8:00pm
Sala d'Arme

Thursday, February 20, 2014
9:00am - 10:30am
Sala dei Dugento
3D How To: Demystifying 3D Printing for Museum Practice

The past year has been filled with hype about how 3D printing will revolutionize manufacturing and change the way individuals interact with the world. The dizzying press coverage talks about everything being 3D printed from human body parts to weapons. What’s really going on with 3D printing? This session attempts to demystify this exciting technology and demonstrate how the 3D production ecosystem and can be valuable to museum practice.

With participation from Miriam Langer (New Mexico Highlands University), Rocco Furferi (T-Vedo project), and Luciano Cantini (Kentsrapper).

Chair: Liz Neely

9:00am - 10:30am
Salone dei Cinquecento
Forum 2: Museum Mobile

Franco Niccolucci moderates a panel discussion with Agnes Alfandari (Louvre, Parigi), Paolo Paolini (Politecnico di Milano), Daria Hookk (State Ermitage Museum), and Alain Dupuy (Innovision).

Chair: Franco Niccolucci

10:30am - 12:00pm
Salone dei Cinquecento
Papers 3: Learning

Chair: Dave Patten

The effects of learning style on user reactions to museum websites
- Helen Petrie, UK, Cagla Seneler, Turkey

Developing immersive learning environments for social inclusion: findings from a case study research
- Stefania Savva, Cyprus

Storytelling, learning and adaptivity: a difficult mixing
- Isabelle Astic, France

Sharing and reuse of museum objects in learning environments
- Vincenza Ferrara, Italy, Andrea Macchia, Italy, Sonia Sapia, Italy, Francesco Lella, Italy

10:30am - 12:00pm
Sala dei Dugento
Papers 4: 3D
Chair: Liz Neely

An advanced Solution for Publishing 3D Content on the Web
- Marco Potenziani, Italy, Massimiliano Corsini, Italy, Marco Callieri, Italy, Marco Di Benedetto, Italy, Federico Ponchio, Italy, Matteo Dellepiane, Italy, Roberto Scopigno, Italy

The Gustave Baumann Marionettes- Surfacing a Rare Collection through Interaction
- Miriam Langer, USA, Jonathan Lee, USA, Daniela De Angeli, UK

STAM – Ghent City Museum
- Frederik Verstraete, Belgium

12:00pm - 1:30pm
Sala d'Arme
Demonstrations Day 2

Demonstration videos and posters will be available in the Sala d’Arme all day long. Demonstrators will be available in person during the lunch and coffee breaks.

“There and Again”: mapping exhibition items and visitors’ memories
- Luca Melchionna, Italy

MUBIL: A Digital Library
- Marina Belli, Italy

Unleashing HTML5 power in modern multi-platform museum guide
- Davide Rogai, Italy

Old instruments / New Media
- Anna Giatti, italy, Paolo Brenni, Italy, Antonio Chiavacci, Italy, Sara Zunino, Italy

Storytelling of a coin collection by means of RTI images: the case of the Simoneschi collection in Palazzo Blu
- Gianpaolo Palma, Italy, Monica Baldassarri, Italy, Maria Chiara Favilla, Italy, Roberto Scopigno, Italy

The Voices of Science – Archives talk
- Paolo Cavallotti, Italia

Immersive storytelling to narrate an artwork and its renascence: the real-life experience of the Simone Martini's polyptych
- Chiara Evangelista, Italy/Norway, Chiara Evangelista, Italy/Norway

Multimedia communication for a restoration: Leonardo da Vinci painter in Milan
- Michela Negrini, italy, Nicoletta Di Blas, Italy

Rationalism in the Province of Como: more than just an app!
- Davide Orlando, Italy

Museo Galileo's integrated digital library. The Galileothek@ model
- Iolanda Rolfo, Italy

Playing in the Garden of Earthly Delights: Exploring Bosch’s Symbolism through Gameplay
- Elizabeth Goins, USA, Isabelle Jouve, France, Shaun Foster, USA, Sarah Thompson, USA

Museums presenting past through digital technologies: MAV (Museo Archeologico Virtuale) of Ercolano and Site-Museum of Pont du Gard cases-study
- Paola La Scala, Italy

Strategies for connecting religious cultural heritage. The role of technologies in an on field experimental action of Museo Diocesano, Milan
- Sara Chiesa, Italy, Davide Spallazzo, Italy

Makers Corner by MakeTank
- Alexandra Korey, Italy

12:00pm - 1:30pm
Sala d'Arme
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Sala dei Dugento
Papers 5: Crowdsourcing
Chair: Nancy Proctor

Crowdsourcing descriptions of images on museum websites for visually impaired visitors: developing guidelines and examples of good practice
- Helen Petrie, UK

Archeowiki: when open source strategies incentive visitors presence in museum. A project for the enhancement of archaeological heritage in Lombardia.
- Anna Maria Antonini, Italia, Sara Chiesa, Italy, Dante Bartoli, Italy

Art-Mapping Smart-Cities: Accessing Art Collections Outside the Museum.
- Cristina Locatelli, UK, Gabriella Giannachi, UK, Rebecca Sinker, UK

1:30pm - 3:00pm
Salone dei Cinquecento
Papers 6: Storytelling and Transmedia
Chair: massimo negri

AthenaPlus / Digital storytelling for DCH – Innovative tools and services
- maria teresa natale, Italy, Julien Brouillard, France

Emergent Storytelling: Interactive Transmedia Installation for Digital Cultural Heritage
- Vibeke Sorensen, Singapore

Transmedia storytelling and cultural heritage interpretation : the CULTE project
- Candice Chenu, France, Candice Chenu, France, Ronan German, France, Eric Gressier-Soudan, France, Florent Levillain, France, Isabelle Astic, France, Vincent Roirand, France

A framework for multipurpose content development
- Michela Negrini, italy, Paolo Paolini, Italy

3:00pm - 4:30pm
Salone dei Cinquecento
How-to Google Glass

With participation from Valerio Saffirio (Google Glass for Italian Sign Language LIS).

Chair: Neal Stimler

3:00pm - 4:30pm
Sala dei Dugento
Papers 7: Evaluation
Chair: Konstantina

User Modeling, Personalization and Adaptivity: Potential Keys to Success for FIBAC Project
- Ludovico Solima, Italy, Cosimo Birtolo, Italy, Simona Acanfora, Italy, Massimiliano Minei, Italy

Un-supervised evaluation of virtual museums - the Uppåkra App as a case-study
- Sorin Hermon, Cyprus

Virtual Art Museums As An Educational Resource For Teaching And Learning Artistic Heritage
- Carmen Tejera, Spain

Initial visitor models in a personalized museum guide
- Charles Callaway, Italy

4:30pm - 5:00pm
Sala d'Arme
5:00pm - 6:30pm
Salone dei Cinquecento
Mobile Best Practice Parade
Chair: Paula Summa

Opening the Door to Mobile
- Alex Palin, The Netherlands, Alex Tourski, The Netherlands

Nextome - Indoor navigation system
- Domenico Colucci, Italy, Vincenzo Dentamaro, Italy

Storytelling, Gamification, Interactivity: a new Museum Experience
- Davide Pantile, Italy, Emanuele Di Rosa, Italia, Roberto Frasca, Italia, Matteo Ventrella, Italia, Giovanni Verreschi, Italia

Fabrica Ludens: technology meets culture
- Marco Volani, Italia, Marco De Nicola, Italy, Mario Zen, Italy, Mariano Volani, Italy

On the Move and in the Air: Adlib Mobile Suite and The Collection Cloud
- Klaus Bulle, Germany

Coopculture at Museums and web: new technologies and new experiences
- Ida Fontana, italy

- Marco Cappellini, Italy

7:00pm - 8:00pm
Museo Ferragamo Tour 1

Reservation required.

8:00pm - 9:00pm
Museo Ferragamo Tour 2

Reservation required.

In order to attend the masterclasses you must register for the conference and register for the Masterclass(es) you wish to attend. Please do so here.

Friday, February 21, 2014
9:30am - 12:00pm
Istituto degli Innocenti

Masterclass 1: People, Places and Things: how to create connections with audiences
- Stefania Chipa, Italy, Alexandra Korey, Italy, Martha Ladly, Canada

9:30am - 12:00pm
Centro di Arte e Cultura

Masterclass 2: How to develop a mobile tour
- Ilaria D'Uva, Italy

9:30am - 12:00pm
Museo di Storia Naturale

Masterclass 3: How to Communicate Science
- Dave Patten, UK

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Tour 1: Museo Archeologico
With Carlotta Cianferoni, Director of the Museo Archeologico.
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Tour 2: Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore

With Barbara Fedeli, Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore.

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Tour 3: Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze.

With Guido Chelazzi, President of the Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze.

3:00pm - 5:30pm
Basilica di Santa Croce

With Frank Espinosa (Zum Zum iBooks), Giuseppe de Micheli (Opera di Santa Croce), Stefania Ricci (Museo Ferragamo) and Vanessa Petrucci (Scuola Internazionale di Comics).

Masterclass 4: How to tell a story through Graphic Novels
- Stefania Chipa, Italy

3:00pm - 5:30pm
Museo Stefano Bardini

Masterclass 5: Relevant Forever: Business models and (digital) tools for sustainability
- Theodorus Meereboer, The Netherlands

5:30pm - 6:30pm
Basilica di Santa Croce
Tour 4: Basilica di Santa Croce

With Giuseppe de Micheli, General Secretary of the Opera di Santa Croce.