
Museums and the Web Florence (MWF2014)

Museums and the Web Florence (MWF2014) is an international conference dedicated to the relationship between museums and places of culture on the one hand and the new paradigms of digital culture on the other: social media, mobile tours, augmented reality.

It will be held in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy 19 to 21 February 2014, and is open to all professionals in the sector, both public and private. It is also open to all of those who are interested in issues related to communication, technologies, contemporary languages. To attend please register soon as spaces are limited.

The theme for 2014 is Open Museums and Smartcities: Storytelling and Connected Culture: strategies, tools, best practices for connecting cultural heritage with the communities of the ‘smartcities’ of the future.

We will discuss the new opportunities for mobile engagement in museums and within the spaces of the city.

Our discussions will revolve around universal designsocial inclusionaccessibilityaugmented realitysocial mediacrowd sourcingopen contentdigital collaboration and gamification.

MWF2014 is conceived by Stefania Chipa, Ilaria D’Uva, Laura Longo in collaboration with Museums and the Web.

MWF2014 is organized by Musei Civici di Firenze in collaboration with the Fondazione per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione dell’Università di Firenze and PIN – Polo Universitario Città di Prato. The main sponsor is D’Uva Workshop.

Museums and the Web Florence (MWF2014)

Museums and the Web Florence (MWF2014) è una conferenza internazionale dedicata al rapporto fra musei e i luoghi della cultura da un lato e nuovi paradigmi della cultura digitale dall’altro: social media, mobile tour, realtà aumentata.

Si tiene nel Palazzo Vecchio a Firenze dal 19 al 21 febbraio 2014 e si rivolge a tutti gli operatori del settore, pubblici e privati. E’ aperta  a tutti coloro che sono interessati alle tematiche connesse alla comunicazione, alle tecnologie, ai linguaggi contemporanei. Per partecipare registrati prima possibile poiché i posti sono limitati.

Il titolo per il 2014 è Open Museums and Smartcities: Storytelling and Connected Culture: strategie, strumenti, best practice per connettere il patrimonio culturale alle comunità delle ‘smartcities’ del futuro.

Parleremo di mobile engagement all’interno dei musei e fra gli spazi della città.

Sono previsti incontri sui temi dell’universal design, della social inclusion, dell’accessibilità, della realtà aumentata, dei social media, del crowdsourcing, degli open content, della digital collaboration e della gamification.

MWF2014 è un’idea di Stefania Chipa, Ilaria D’Uva e Laura Longo in collaborazione con Museums and the web.

MWF2014 è organizzato dai Musei Civici di Firenze in collaborazione con la Fondazione per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione dell’Università di Firenze e il PIN – Polo Universitario Città di Prato. Il main sponsor è D’Uva Workshop.

Why Florence?

As an “open air museum” with a centuries-old tradition of technological and cultural innovation, Florence is an ideal setting for culture professionals to consider how new technologies help define contemporary experiences of and relationships to our languages, landscapes, and identities. Museums were sites of mass communication avant la lettre and today offer fertile ground for cultivating new relationships to cultural heritage and technology that reach far beyond the museum’s walls to connect communities, cities and regions. Rich in museums, Florence aims to be a nexus for discussions about the future of “smart cities” and the tools and innovative approaches to storytelling that can help develop and connect their cultural resources.

Perché Firenze?

Firenze vuole proporsi come luogo di dibattito per le future scelte delle ‘città intelligenti’ – smart cities-  per la gestione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. In Europa, la ricchezza di musei e di imprese creative impegnate nello sviluppo di tecnologie applicate allo storytelling, permette di sperimentare nuove forme di accessibilità tra individui e patrimonio. I musei sono luoghi in cui la comunicazione favorisce nuove relazioni con il patrimonio culturale. Le nuove tecnologie permettono di uscire dalle mura dei musei e di estendere la fruizione del patrimonio con un modello ad alta tensione culturale che favorisce una maggiore connettività tra comunità, città e territori per creare nuovi modelli partecipativi. L’Europa, l’Italia, la Toscana, Firenze, rappresentano lo scenario ideale – il ‘locus iste’ – dove i professionisti della cultura possono immaginare e sperimentare il futuro delle ‘città intelligenti’ -smart cities- ed elaborare approcci innovativi di storytelling che connettano il patrimonio culturale alle comunità, valorizzando la tradizione umanistica attraverso le grandi potenzialità offerte dall’innovazione digitale.

Why “Storytelling and Smart Cities”?

Storytelling in smart cities uses powerful new tools to connect content and visitors. Digital technologies can help us define ecosystems that connect increasingly vast quantities of information and data available with the specificity of the many diverse needs of the “public”, old and new. The wealth of museums and enterprises currently engaged in the development of digital storytelling and experimentation promises new forms of access to cultural heritage. Museums and the Web Florence 2014 (MWF2014) fosters this collaboration between creative industries and cultural organizations with the aim of both preserving and growing the competitiveness of Europe, the region, and culture globally.

Perchè “Storytelling e Smart Cities”?

Lo storytelling nelle ‘città intelligenti’ utilizza i nuovi strumenti e i nuovi linguaggi della contemporaneità per costruire nuove permeabilità tra contenuti e visitatori. Le tecnologie digitali consentono di creare ecosistemi di contenuti, servizi e informazioni in grado di rispondere ai bisogni dei diversi pubblici,  cittadini, turisti e coloro che visitano le città d’arte attratti dalla loro capacità di favorire creatività. I musei sono luoghi dove storia, territorio e linguaggio s’intrecciano, assumendo il senso e il ruolo delle comunità che li hanno prodotti. La ricchezza dei musei e delle aziende attualmente impegnate nello sviluppo del digital storytelling  promette nuove forme sperimentali di accesso al patrimonio culturale. Museums and the Web Florence 2014 rafforza la collaborazione fra industrie creative e istituzioni culturali con l’obiettivo di preservare e accrescere la competitività globale del patrimonio culturale.

What is in the Program?

Conference includes:

  • Forums: invited speakers and experts will introduce the audience to key issues;
  • How-to Sessions: hands-on sessions on related content and technologies;
  • Formal papers and Demonstrations: research, case studies and data from the field;
  • Best Practices Parade: lightning talk presentations on key learnings by experts in the field from both the commercial and non-profit sectors;
  • Masterclasses & Tours: workshops in Florence’s museums followed by city tours. Sign up now for your Masterclass&Tour (included in the price), spaces are limited!

To participate as a speaker in the sessions dedicated to formal papers, demonstrations, and best practices parade, please respond to the call for proposals. Registrations and abstracts must be received no later than December 31, 2013 and will be subject to peer-reviewing. Acceptances will be sent by January 20, 2014.

Conference proceedings will be published on the website of MWF20114. Written papers of up to 5,000 words must be received for all accepted presenters of formal papers by May 31, 2014. They will be assessed by a peer-review committee.

The language of the conference will be held in English.

Cosa prevede il programma?

La conferenza si articola in:

  • forum: keynote speaker ed esperti del settore introdurranno il pubblico alle tematiche più dibattute
  • how-to: workshop che approfondiscono aspetti legati ai contenuti e alle tecnologie
  • formal paper e demonstration: contributi scientifici corredati di esempi, dati, casi di studio
  • best practice parade: momenti dedicati alle aziende che, attraverso un’intervista, potranno presentare le proprie soluzioni per il mercato culturale
  • masterclass & tour: momenti di formazione all’interno dei musei fiorentini con tour dedicato. Prenota adesso la tua masterclass & tour (inclusa nel biglietto), i posti sono limitati!

Per partecipare come relatore alle sessioni dedicate a formal paper, demonstration e best practice parade è aperta una call for proposals. Le proposte dovranno essere inviate entro e non oltre il 31 dicembre 2013. Saranno sottoposte a peer-reviewing. L’accettazione sarà comunicata entro il 20 gennaio 2014.

Gli atti del convegno saranno pubblicati  sul sito di MWF2014. Entro il 31 maggio 2014 dovranno pervenire i contributi finali (massimo 5000 parole) che saranno sottoposti alla valutazione di un peer-reviewer commitee.

La lingua della conferenza è l’inglese.

20 thoughts on “About

  1. An announcement and call for proposals deadline a month and a half before the conference? Acceptances a month before the conference? That’s supersonic conference organization. Awesome.

    But considering that it can take up to a year to get funding for conference travel in some museums, is this realistic? Florence is around the corner from me, relatively speaking, and it could have been easy to attend, had there been sufficient prior notice. And then there’s the time-consuming challenge of finding a hotel room in Florence…

    Sorry I’ll miss it.

      • Dear Ilaria,
        I also submitted a paper and waiting for an answer. Thank you in advance for keeping me posted.
        I hope the organization of the conference is going well. See you in Florence.

          • Dear Ilaria,
            Any news re the acceptance of papers?
            Best regards.

          • Dear Ilaria,
            I understand that there must be some delay in finalizing the selection of papers and I don’t blame anyone because as a project manager sometimes I had to face the same type of constraints. However, I would really appreciate to know by when you will be able to notify about the acceptance of my paper – or not, as my schedule is quite busy in February and I have several commitments during that week of my journey to Italy.
            I’ll do my best to attend at least one or two days of the event, but I need to know an exact date in case I have to present a paper, without considering that a presentation must be adequately prepared.
            I am sure you understand my concerns. I count on a prompt reply.

          • Dear Giovanni
            did you not receive the communication from Museums and the Web.
            I think in this case your paper has not been accepted.
            I really hope to see you anyway in Florence.
            Kind regards,

  2. Good evening,
    I’m Elisa Orlando and I have submitted my proposal (formal paper) for Museum and Web Florence 2014 conference. I haven’t received any answer yet. May I think that my proposal has not been accepted?
    Thanks you.
    Best regards
    Elisa Orlando

  3. I think this conference is a fabulous idea and especially like the connection between storytelling in smart cities. I think there is also a larger opportunity for museums and cultural organizations in the evolving smart cities. These are new channels of engagements for not just content but also for shifting the role of cultural organizations in society. One example is the ECSITE Places program.

    We are trying to create another model in Kansas City with John Fraser and Beverly Sheppard from NewKnowledge.org. we call this model Legible Cities. It is how museums can be instrumental as a dynamic element of a learning city in addition to being a destination in the city.

    I believe that there are windows of opportunities for cultural organizations to use and leverage big data resources generated by them and their visitors to create vast cultural and other values as well. One of the missing pieces is to have the cultural associations initiate the development of the infrastructure that will allow museums to take full advantage of these opportunities. After all in the US alone, 850 million people visit cultural centers.

    Here is a link for reference: http://bit.ly/1fb9WfK

    This March I am hosting a panel at the Science Centre World Congress on Big Data in the Legible Cities. I mentioned this as it would be great to share information and resources as the panel deals with how science centres are working with similar technologies and themes. http://www.scws2014.org/programme/

    I will see if I can come.

    • Hi Eli,
      thanks a lot for your enlightening reflections.
      On Feb 20 we will have a panel moderated by Antonio Gomez da Costa (ECSITE).
      Hope to see you in Florence,

      • When will it be possible to see a list of the actual speakers and their accepted proposals? It is too bad that the discounted early registration rate (not cheap) is available before any concrete agenda or information as to who will be speaking and at least the titles of their speeches is made available. Maybe you could prolong the early registration date at least until people can have that information? Frankly it all seems so rushed…

  4. Dear Ilaria,
    Thank you. As a participants formally registered in the conference, I would have appreciated being informed, on time, by the Conference Secretariat. However, I respect the decision of the Scientific Committee about the selection of papers. I look forward to seeing you in Florence as I am very interested in the conference topic.
    Best. Giovanni

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